Kill You Forever

Han Sen looked inside the door and saw the shadow kneeling. There were no more musical notes or energy signatures left to scan. Xiang Yin would probably not make it.

"You lose. Badly! Now, watch as she dies! I am different; I have many more ways to play with you." Yaksha began to cackle like a mad scientist.

"How can you be so certain I'll watch her die?" Han Sen said.

Yaksha spat out blood and mumbled, "You are only a little stronger than me. You have only opened nine gene locks; you cannot enter there."

"And who said I'll need to enter to save her?" Han Sen then brought out his bone xun.

"What's that for? Are you going to play a requiem on her behalf? Or perhaps you're going to somehow play the song of Gandharva?" Yaksha jested in spite.

"I can play that, if that is what you would like to hear." Han Sen then brought the xun to his lips. He blew into the head, causing a stream of white light to cast its way into the door.