Ancient Tower

Snowball left the cave alongside Han Sen, being forced to guide him up the mountain. To reach the peak of the mountain, they would have to tread a steep and precarious path.

The path was only one foot wide, and on either side of that treacherous track was nothing but the expanse of mist no eyes could peer through. Even Snowball took his steps carefully.

Han Sen knew Snowball had the ability to fly, but he seemed to favor walking. Han Sen didn't question him too much, and just opted to walk along with him. But Han Sen thought there had to be a better way up than this, and so he wondered why Snowball was so resolute in his determination to take this particular trail.

Han Sen thought the furry thing was trying to stall and waste time by taking that slow, plodding, and oh-so reckless route, but after a while, he noticed the absence of creature noises. It was very quiet on that path.