Not Dying and Not Hurting

The rhino's horn was shining brightly, and that same light was now caressing the crumpled king spirit. Xie Qing King did not relent in his pummeling of the spirit, but no matter what he did, it just wouldn't give up the ghost.


This time, when the spirit was able to get up, it punched Xie Qing King in the face, making his nose bleed. And it wasn't only Xie Qing King having to deal with such a predicament. Ghost Eye, Blue Dinosaur, and Dry Bone were also at this same disadvantage.

Disloyal Knight's halo had the ability to weaken others, but Saint Fan's army was practically invincible. They did not fear death, either, so a reduction in damage output or a reduction of defense durability on their part meant nothing. That being said, the wounds would stay on the broken enemies, which meant their effectiveness in battle gradually reduced the more they were beaten.