Accidental Reward

"It is no wonder why the empress wasn't willing to take them herself. Both the fish king and Yaksha were destroyed in their attempts to obtain it." Han Sen was relieved he had not tried to take the fruit before the others did.

But if the empress and berserk super creatures could not take the fruit, why would she believe a human was capable?

Han Sen hid himself in the woods and started to watch the man intently. He was climbing at a very slow pace, and Han Sen wasn't sure if the man was simply a poor climber, or if he was deliberately going slow in fear of what awaited him up top.

The empress was still fighting the fish king. Now she could be seen rising up into the air, still seated firmly upon her throne. Despite fighting in the water for all that time, her clothes did not appear wet. And she was so still, it was as if she was inanimate.

The fish king leapt out of the lake in pursuit of her. Its mouth spat out torrents of water in her direction.