The Real Holy Baby Fruit

The emperor frowned. Then he interlocked the fingers of both hands to form some sort of dome around a new flame he was conjuring.

With great fervor, he unleashed another fireborne punch at the drum. The power used was frightening, but the sound emitted by the drum was even quieter than the first time he had hit it.

The emperor hit the drum a third time, then, to the greeting of silence. Failing to sound the drum at all, the spirit looked embarrassed and tried to avoid eye-contact with the feverish crowd that had gathered to watch the proceedings.

Han Sen was surprised. The emperor had ten open gene locks, and he had thrown a punch carried by terrible fire; why could he not sound the drum?

After this emperor, a few other emperors decided to give the drum a few shots of their own. They all failed to make any sound worth noting. Even a few super creatures were giving it a go, but most of them lacked the ability to play the drum, same as the rest.