Fighting No God

Han Sen ran towards the battleground, but he felt something was amiss.

The plaza looked bigger than it had earlier, and the illusion of a greater size seemed to expand until the cobbled ground stretched on for a distance that could only be assumed to be infinite.

"Has the battle twisted the dimension this much? It is no wonder I couldn't feel the shockwaves earlier." Han Sen saw No God approaching Lotus Empress, each step a cruel and merciless stride.

Han Sen hadn't opened his tenth gene lock, so unless he used super king spirit mode and combined with Little Angel, he didn't think he stood much of a chance.

Han Sen didn't go right up to No God Emperor yet, though. First, he approached the wounded beast with a stealthy run. When he neared it, he whispered, "I'm here to help."

Lotus Empress thought Han Sen was using the creature for cover and merely hiding. She thought that was a futile and silly endeavor.