The Two Powers That Cannot Be Trapped

No God Emperor was the number one Son of God of the Third God's Sanctuary, but that was the first rank among the spirits that competed in Divinity's Bout. Not all emperors showed interest in the affair.

The general consensus among spirits was that the mightiest throughout the entire Third God's Sanctuary was a spirit called Ruin Emperor; an emperor that far exceeded No God Emperor's capabilities, as well.

Ruin Emperor's greatest ability was the one that trapped the powers of his opponents. All attacks were rendered useless, and repeats were disabled. Ruin Emperor's power was something none had ever been able to beat or overcome.

The ability made Ruin Emperor indestructible in every sense of the word, and it was the power-trapping aspect that defined the emperor.

"Ruin Emperor, why didn't you stay on Ultimate Mountain? Why have you come here?" Moment Queen asked.