Fighting Fire with Fire

Han Sen was taken aback. He thought the slippery, worm-tongued Cheap Sheep had played a magic trick on him.

Looking at the red figure that had just appeared on the plain, he noticed it was the chef. Unfortunately for her, she looked to be in very sorry shape, and the red color was the blood that soaked her person.


The chef collapsed on the ground.

Han Sen could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing she wasn't a threat. But he also smirked a little as he thought about getting revenge on her.

Han Sen pulled out his horns, ready to finish her off. But she managed, with great strain, to look up and mumble a few words. She said, "Han... Jin... Zhi..."

Han Sen immediately withdrew his weapons and bent down near her. He raced to ask, "What did you just say?"

She quietly repeated what she had spoken, pauses and all. "Han... Jin... Zhi..."

Han Sen now knew he had not been mistaken, hearing what she said.