Power of the Bouncy Egg

Han Sen was in a daze. The ape that had just hit him was the one that had confused him earlier.

The ape's talons were incredibly strong and swift, and they should have torn Han Sen to shreds upon contact. But when the knife-like nails came upon him, they were like rubber. They did not damage him in the least.

The ape had come in so strong, though, its fingers and the hand itself came down on Han Sen. Where this strike should have utterly destroyed him, it felt as if his enemy was made of putty. There was no pain, and then, the fingers of the ape all bent upwards like broken, twisted twigs.

"Why's this happening? Are all the creatures that get hit by the egg like this?" Han Sen thought to himself.

The other three apes were quickly bearing down on Han Sen now. They lifted their talon-fitted hands up to strike Han Sen with greater strength than the previous ape.