One-Hit Kill

Without hesitation or concern for himself, Han Sen reached for Bao'er to place her behind him. But before he could, the doll's eyes flashed red. Then, strangely, it looked surprised.

Han Sen examined Bao'er, and much to his relief, he saw she had not been turned into wood.

This came as quite the surprise. Judging from the doll's behavior and facial expression, it would seem as if it had cast its power, but it simply had not worked on the baby.

The doll's eyes flashed with that same red, menacing light again. It also spoke, and it said, "You have all been added to the Naughty List. Start cleaning."

The doll's eyes flashed like a bright, oscillating light, as they turned to look at Han Sen. He had summoned his crystal egg, but before he could muster the strength for a throw, he began turning into wood.

Dragon Lady, who had leapt up from her seat to fight with her cleaver in-hand, was starting to turn into a deadwood puppet now, too.