Mystic Woman

The geno core Scissor Slash was controlled by the owner's mind. Without delay, it flew over to the tightening cords and attempted to snap down and cut the Gold Dragon Lock.

Old Man Ji felt awful watching this unfold. He had hoped Han Sen would call back his geno core, and he expected the phantom scissors to cut through and break the item with ease. He thought it was a great waste.

But when the teeth-laden maw of the scissors bit down on the rope, all that occurred was a flurry of sparks. The rope was unbroken.

Green's eyes opened wide, unsure if he was seeing things correctly. He could not believe the Gold Dragon Lock was able to withstand the chomp of those scissors.

Those in the group had known each other for a number of decades, so they were well aware of how powerful Jia Shidao was. He had possessed Scissor Slash for the longest time, and they all knew how terrifying its cutting power was, too. The fact it could not break Han Sen's rope was shocking.