Black Wind

"Dad, is Mom having a baby?" Bao'er asked, with a surprisingly serious tone.

"Yes, you will become a big sister," Han Sen said, with a reassuring smile.

"Dad, when you have another baby... will you still want me?" Bao'er looked visibly upset when she spoke, as if she was on the brink of letting tears flow.

Han Sen stroked her head, suspecting such a question might arise. He assured her, "Of course I will want you. You're my baby daughter, and nothing will ever replace you."

Bao'er responded by asking, "Mom can love the new baby, and Dad can love me?"

"Okay, if that's how you want it." Han Sen paused to think of how he might best explain such a situation to her, and when he decided, he told her, "But there's enough room in all of our hearts to love each other equally. And what's more, you'll be a big sister. That means you'll have the responsibility of looking out for the new baby, as they grow up."