Opening the Coffin

When Han Sen touched the pendant, he was scalded by the heat it had generated.

"The pendant did not have a reaction to the leader of Blood Legion, assuming that was who he was. But why is it reacting so strongly to this? Is this the real Nine-Life Cat? Or maybe what I saw was an apparition, and the bones of the leader actually reside in this coffin." There was a lot to question and a lot to be wary of.

Still, assuming that was true, Han Sen noted that it would be very strange for the coffin to be placed where it was. Authority figures or leaders of much renown weren't known for making their resting places at the entrances of their palaces.

The group walked forward until they were only three meters away from the coffin. There, they could now see the creature clearly, and make out all of its distinct features.

The so-called beast was curled up, and it had its head tucked beneath its tail. There was not, however, any lifeforce that Han Sen could detect.