Meeting Six Paths Again

After listening to that sound, Han Sen's face changed. It wasn't music played by a piano; it was the sound of a sword that was reminiscent of one.

Han Sen looked in the direction that the sound was coming from, and he felt a powerful force. Someone seemed to be fighting there. After a while, Han Sen decided to mask his presence and sneak over there to see who was in combat.

The battle was not far from Han Sen, and after a few miles of travel, he was able to see the sword that was producing those sounds. And what's more, Han Sen knew the master of the weapon, as well. It was Six Paths, whom he once battled in the geno core storage.

Six Paths was battling a peacock Geno Battle Soul. He wasn't using Heart Sword this time. As he wielded his blade, music played from the sword that seemed to damage his opponent. The sword didn't even have to come into contact with the peacock, but regardless, it was screaming in pain.