Frozen Forest

Han Sen packed some things and followed Little Fairy to God's Ruin. Bao'er, Little Silver, and Starsea Beast were coming along with them, as well.

Starsea Beast had grown much bigger by now. Its body was big like that of a dinosaur's. But even so, its eyes remained as innocent-looking as ever. Every time Han Sen saw them, it made him feel as if he was meeting the eyes of a child.

Bao'er had been staying in Han Sen's arms for the trip, not wanting Little Silver to come any closer. But Little Silver just jumped onto Han Sen's head instead, looking like a fur cap. It sat there, waving its fluffy tail merrily. That really aggravated Bao'er.

In the time that Han Sen had been in the Fourth God's Sanctuary, he hadn't traveled or explored very far. As a result, Little Fairy had to lead the entire way. Little Fairy knew the way, though, and there were no dangers along their path. It made for a pleasant and relaxing journey.