Skysword Is My Teacher

Luo Yu and Luo Hui's faces were a little pale. While they were still fidgeting nervously, the spirit appeared.

"Skysword Teacher, you are finally here. I waited for you for the longest time." The spirit walked in front of Han Sen and bowed seriously. He spoke with much excitement.

Luo Yu, Luo Hui, and Luo Li were frozen. Jia Shidao had no idea who the spirit was. Luo Yu knew about the spirit, and he watched as the spirit bowed towards Han Sen. It was an unimaginable thing, and they initially believed themselves to be dreaming.

The son of Furnace Emperor was Xu Mi, and he and his mother were second-gen emperors. He had bowed to a human, and they never thought something like that would ever occur. After all, since when had humanity achieved such a reputation? And since when had they earned the right to such respect?