Blow Blood

Han Sen frowned, and a three-foot-long pipe that looked like it was made of grey stone showed up in his hands.

That stone pipe was a geno core called Blow Blood that Han Sen had obtained from Ghost Eye. He had been using his geno core Real Blood to break its restrictions, so both geno cores had been sitting unused in his Sea of Soul.

Han Sen almost forgot about it, until he heard a voice in his head.

"Obtained emperor geno core Blow Blood."

Han Sen then discovered that the restrictions on Blow Blood had been removed by Real Blood, and the emperor core had been activated so that Han Sen could use it any time.

Han Sen needed to use the Blood Legion technique to summon Destiny's Tower, so he wouldn't be able to use that core for very long. Now that he had another emperor geno core, it was time for Han Sen to see how useful it would be.