Charm Beast Soul

Back at the shelter, Han Sen had the time to examine the Destroyer Wolf beast soul.

Berserk Super Beast Soul Destroyer Wolf: Charm-type

Han Sen saw this and was quite surprised. He didn't know what a charm beast soul was; he had never heard of it before.

Han Sen summoned the Destroyer Wolf next, to examine what the charm beast soul could do.

Destroyer Wolf flew out from the Sea of Soul and became a charm that was about the same size as Han Sen's palm.

The charm was pitch-black in color, and it was engraved with the depiction of a wolf with wings. It looked just like Destroyer Wolf itself did, after it evolved.

Han Sen looked at the charm a few times. He felt a deathly aura and residual space powers entwining all around it. It was a scary little thing, and he didn't have a clue how it worked.

Han Sen spent the next few days researching it, and when he discovered what its purpose was, he was delighted.