Being Followed

"Blergh!" Han Sen coughed up some blood. The last punch from Outer Sky King had still caused him pain. Of course, he didn't show it while he had his audience, as he had wanted to appear strong.

Han Sen hid inside an empty cave to heal. Before the healing process was complete, though, he heard a tapping noise. His face went slack with dread.

The tap-tap noise was fast, and when he looked towards the cave's entrance, he saw a pair of Crystal Shoes. They were the Crystal Shoes from Eastern Palace.

Han Sen was afraid of those shoes, and he didn't want to find himself being controlled by them again. As soon as he saw the shoes he ran, but it was like they remembered who he was. They pursued him, and the tap-tap noise followed.

"Why are you chasing me? Tell me what it is you like about me, and I'll change that aspect!" Han Sen did not have the strength to run far. He placed himself behind a tree and looked back at the shoes in misery.