A Sword You Cannot Block

The crystal armor on Ji Yanran became the crystal shoes again. They started running towards Han Sen. Without the crystal shoes, though, Ji Yanran started to fall from the sky. She wasn't strong enough to participate in the fight in her ordinary condition.

Zach, seeing the crystal shoes leave, raced over to Ji Yanran with the express desire of killing her.

Golden Growler roared. He suddenly made himself as big as a battleship and absorbed the hit Zach was going to deliver. In doing so, he managed to save Ji Yanran and Bao'er both.

A gaping hole was left in Golden Growler's armor and body as a result, though. Fortunately, it didn't hurt as much when he was that size. As Golden Growler roared, Ji Yanran and Bao'er were able to get to safety with Luo Lan.