Bottomless Hole

The car drove to the western side of the city and came to a stop.

They parked the heavy car on the road. The vehicle started to shake, as if some phantom power was pulling it forward.

Third Master and Han Sen got out of the car, and then Mister Tiger told them, "This is as far as we can go. If we keep going, the few tons of steel in the car will be sucked into the pit."

"Let's go. We need to see the black hole before night falls." Third Master opened his arms in a welcoming gesture and started to lead Han Sen towards the hole.

Aside from Han Sen and Mister Tiger, there were another two Kates accompanying Third Master. Judging from the lifeforces they possessed, they had to be Nobles. They were Barons, but they were definitely stronger than Mister Tiger.

Han Sen did not mind their presence. Han Sen thought that Third Master was probably the strongest of the lot, actually. He was most certainly stronger than the two Nobles that were accompanying them.