Xenogeneic Space

What height must a mountain reach to be considered a tall mountain?

There was no answer to this question, just like no one knew how tall Unsolid Mountain was. No creature could reach the peak of Unsolid Mountain. None had ever glanced at what lay at the peak.

Even the highest tier xenogeneics of Unsolid could not reach the highest point. All they knew was that the master that lived at Unsolid Line was a real king.

But two beasts resided at the peak of Unsolid Mountain. The big one looked like a rabbit, and the small one looked like a lion. And next to these two golden beasts, there was a woman.

The woman was very beautiful and graciously elegant. The most special thing about her was the horn upon her head. She was like the purest of unicorns.

She brushed her hand across the fur of a gold beast, wearing a difficult-to-discern smile.

"How is his blood? How much Roar blood?" the green-haired beast asked, looking at the sleeping golden creature.