The Burial Site of Three Thousand Feathers

"Long ago, three thousand prisoners were forced to mine ore across Mosi Mountain. They were unable to leave until death claimed them." Kong Fei did not answer Duke Brilliant. All he did was say something that made no sense, given the current context.

But after Duke Brilliant heard what he was told, his face paled and he shouted, "Who are you!"

Kong Fei still did not answer. He kept going, saying, "Those three thousand prisoners were slaves, kept here forever. They would each die in the same bindings they were birthed into. After their deaths, the feathers between their wings were plucked. There were three thousand of them, and they provided the basis of this garment."

"Impossible... We already killed all the traitors a long time ago. Who are you?" Duke Brilliant's eyes cut like blades. He looked as if he was ready to tear Kong Fei apart and slice-up all his organs.