Soloing All the Group Fights

Dragon Lady followed Han Sen into the base. Wang Yuhang and Xie Qing King then took up positions on opposite sides of the gate. They were like two soldiers, just smiling at the intruders.

"Brother King, what is your least favorite meal?" Wang Yuhang, standing at the side of the gate, suddenly decided to ask.

"Hmm, I am not sure. I like pretty much everything I am able to eat. I even like all desserts, such as stinky tofu," Xie Qing King said.

"Brother King, you really do like to eat everything! But you know what? I know of something that you would not like to eat," Wang Yuhang said with sincerity.

"What?" Xie Qing King rose to the question.

"A closed gate. Would you like to eat that?" Wang Yuhang asked, laughing to himself.

"I don't want to eat that. I don't think anyone would like to." Xie Qing King smiled.