Taking it to Them

Seven Spirit sprinted toward Han Sen. He wanted to slay Han Sen as soon as he fell. But Han Sen only dipped a little, then immediately sprang back to his feet. His speed did not diminish, either, as he kept on running forward.

Seven Spirit's brow furrowed. He wielded his wooden gong with a thousand Buddha hands.


The sound of thunder rumbled in Han Sen's heart, like it could annihilate the spirit of any being.

But Han Sen was not affected, and he continued running. In the times between Seven Spirit's use of his thousand Buddha hands, Han Sen was able to increase the distance that separated the two.

Seven Spirit frowned harder. He channeled all his power into his legs so he could focus on catching back up to Han Sen.

Due to Han Sen's provocation, Seven Spirit had cast the scariest powers he had. It had cost him a lot of energy, and the distance between the two was quite large now. He didn't want to risk exhausting more of his strength.