Sky God Possession

Ordinary people could not withstand the music, and the chiming of the bell was far more grueling.

Even Seven Spirit himself, who had practiced the Buddha geno art and acquired the four-faced, eight-armed Buddha form, was having a hard time under the bell's oppression. He was losing control of his body.

Han Sen was a Viscount, and yet he had escaped the music. Seven Spirit could barely believe it.

The ordinary heavenly music and the bell were not physical attacks; they were more like a torturing of the mind. But this was a department where Han Sen excelled. His will was as strong as a deified elite's, so he wasn't affected by the Buddha Heaven's music.

He pretended to be affected so he could lure Seven Spirit forward and ensure that the Buddha wouldn't give up chasing him.

Now, Seven Spirit had fallen under the bell's influence. And that meant it was time for Han Sen to strike back.