Turning into an Ant

Burning Lamp had suffered thousands of years of pain, but he refused to die. He wanted to remain long enough to see a new deified amongst the Buddha. Seven Spirit was his greatest hope of achieving this. But now that hope had been stolen from him, and it was difficult to fathom just how angry Burning Lamp really was.

The Buddha commoners were in shock. It had been years since Burning Lamp had been seen in person outside the palace, but now he stood in the city beside the western door. Many Kings were following him, also. The citizens of the city wondered what had happened.

Han Sen had traveled through Heaven until he came to the shore of a seemingly endless sea. A ship had been waiting beside the waters; a ship made of golden leaves. He embarked and used it to reach the other side.

On the other side, Han Sen found Speechless and others. There were ten of them. A few of them were the people that had seen following Speechless.