Starsea Beast Evolves

Little Star was so happy, and it wagged its tail. It stuck out its tongue and consumed one whole piece of Galaxy Sand. It didn't even chew the thing before gulping it down.

"People might think you were a pig. You should at least try to taste it." Han Sen looked depressed.

Little Star did not listen to Han Sen, though. It started to shine, until a strange aura burst out from it.

"Don't generate geno armor here. Stop!" Han Sen did not expect that a single grain of Galaxy Sand would force Little Star to produce its geno armor, so he shouted loudly in surprise.

But Little Star could not control the process. So, Han Sen brought it to the space tunnel and took it to Planet Eclipse.

Little Star shone with starlight. And then, it generated a starry set of armor. Without stopping, the star armor melted into a geno fluid that was absorbed by its body. The generation was heading into a second cycle.