The Fourth Stage

Yun Suyi stopped practicing and opened her eyes. The Jade Air was no longer coming from the walls, so she looked around to see if Han Sen was around. He wasn't.

"Why hasn't Brother Crane brought Han Sen down? Are they on the fourth floor, maybe?" Yun Suyi wondered as she made her way up to the fourth floor.

There was no sign of Han Sen on the fourth floor. Yun Suyi frowned and turned back toward the stairs, intending to search the fifth floor next. But Han Sen, Thousand Feather Crane, Yun Sushang, and First Day were coming down from there.

Yun Suyi quickly moved towards them, glaring at Han Sen, "I told you to come down when I left, but you were too stubborn. Great. Now, Brother Crane and First Day have had to waste their time bringing you down. The Jade Air is only released once a week. You'll have to wait another seven days now."

Yun Sushang tugged at Yun Suyi and said, "Suyi, it's not like that."