Xuanyuan Dragon

The creature's scales were as black as ink. Its head had no horns, but the ears were fixed with black wings. Its belly had talons, like those of an eagle. It was coming his way, and black smoke billowed around it. It looked very creepy.

The Xuanyuan Dragon was too fast, and there were still the Ghost Claw Beasts to fend off. Even if the Ghost Claw Beasts hadn't been there, Han Sen's group still wouldn't have been able to outrun the dragon.

In a second, the Xuanyuan Dragon was a mere twenty meters away from them. It opened its maw and fired a plume of black smoke in their direction. The smoke blackened the passage as it came toward them.

"The Xuanyuan Dragon's breath is toxic. Do not breathe it in!" Thousand Feather Crane shouted, and then a cloud exploded from his body. The eye on his forehead opened up and shone. The shining light made him stronger.