Knife and Sword Battle

The knife and the sword made a crackling noise when they clashed. The knife and sword airs broke at the same time.

Slashing. Thrusting. Swiping. Han Sen and Lone Bamboo's techniques were very simple, but they were also very deadly.

The battles before had been stunning enough, but this was a genuine fight. They had only been comparing skills before this. Now that they were fighting, their movements were simple and direct, without any added flair or style. But even so, every single attack was incredibly scary. Life and death were one misstep apart.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The knife and the sword kept attacking. The sword airs and the knife airs were running at maximum power, and the swordmind and knifemind of the fighters swirled around the arena.

Their minds were growing in strength as the terrifying fight progressed, and suddenly, they were breaking into a King class tier of battle. They were like wild horses that couldn't stop running.