Blood Feather Knife

The Feather students that lived on Cloud Island were busy preparing the knife event.

"Angia, do you think Han Sen will come?" asked a Feather lady called An Lingxin.

Before Angia replied, a strong Feather named Andrew said, "I think he is afraid of Angia. That is why he hasn't appeared. I bet you he won't come. Hearing what he did in Sky Palace, I thought he was strong. I didn't expect he'd be so much of a pussy that he wouldn't even show up. Ha, and people call him the Knife and Sword Master!"

Angia stared at Andrew and said, "Shut up! When are you going to stop being an idiot and watch your words? The Knife and Sword Master includes Lone Bamboo. What if the Sky heard what you just said?"

"Sorry," Andrew apologized.

Angia shook his head. Andrew had always been like that, so changing him was difficult.