
"Luckily, you only killed Dragon Thirteen. She was not one of the prestigious nine. Her death was inconsequential, so the grudge won't be all that deep. Now that Yu Shanxin has interceded on your behalf, the Dragon shouldn't bother you anymore. Do you think you can remove the spell on me now?" Xius had actually come up to Han Sen to get the spell removed.

"We're still in territory belonging to the Dragon. Let's wait until I'm out of it first." Han Sen resumed walking.

"The Dragon won't change their minds. Now that they've forgiven you and made a promise to Yu Shanxin, they won't turn back on their word. Dragon territory is now the safest place for you. They wouldn't dare let you die here. It's hard to say what might happen after you leave. If something happens to you out there, whoever kills you might not even have any ties to the Dragon." Xius rolled her eyes.

"So, you're saying I should stay in the lands of the Dragon?" Han Sen lifted his lips.