Blood Demon Spear

Sleepless Duke bellowed to the sky in rage.

Many other Night Ghosts screamed, too. They gave up attacking the blue shield, and instead, they used their claws to cut their own bodies. Blood flowed down like rain.

Sleepless Duke swung her Blood Demon Spear in slow arcs. The red-pattern on it started to glow, and the rain of blood was drawn towards the spear. When droplets of blood began to land on the spear, they soaked into it, dyeing the weapon a deeper red.

It looked like the blood was pooling on the spear's metal surface, but no matter how much blood dripped onto it, not a single smidgen was lost. The red light of the spear became brighter, and the spear's tip shone crimson.

That bloody light looked as if it could destroy space. It left shadows in the air.