Pool of Rebirth

Holy Heaven's Pool of Rebirth was one of the most famous pools in the geno universe. Very few items existed that could help Kings level up, but Pool of Rebirth was one of them.

The Pool of Rebirth had its flaws, though. The chance of making a King half-deified was low, and there was a great deal of risk in even making an attempt. Even so, many other races coveted the treasure.

A King class Feather found Han Sen and led him to the legendary Pool of Rebirth. Despite being called a "pool," the item had no water. It was a giant crystal altar, and in the center, there was an angel statue.

That statue was white, and its angelic wings were folded forward. It looked like a gentle Goddess reaching out to the masses. Merely looking at the statue summoned a flood of emotion, and it felt like a single glance would be enough to absolve a person of all their deathly sorrows and sins.