Violent Human

Han Sen's fist punched the Dragon that was made of a draconic presence, and it made him into something that was like paste. Han Sen punched into the being, pulverizing all the fist came into contact with.


When Han Sen's fist collided with Dragon Thirty-Nine's fist, Dragon Thirty-Nine's face turned crooked.

His fist and arm was twisted, too. Dragon Thirty-Nine's fist came against Han Sen's fist like a ball hitting a sheet of steel. The finger bones cracked, making his facial expressions distort. The whole arm was made to twist, shattering the armor as it all occurred.

Han Sen's fist was still advancing, as well. It was strong like a piston-driven pillar, driving itself straight into Dragon Thirty-Nine's chest.

Dragon Thirty-Nine's muscles were no match, and they immediately buckled to the force and started to cave in. His body was quick to look like a cooked shrimp. Dragon blood gushed as Han Sen's foe went flying backwards.
