One Skill Breaks Ten Thousand Skills

When the flowers on Evil Eye's armor opened in bloom, the mass of his power reached a truly frightening level. He was much scarier than even Dragon Eight's gold Dragon body.

"Your knowledge and control are better than mine, it would appear. But so what? Before a sufficient amount of raw, physical power, you have no hope of triumphing. You will ultimately lose." Evil Eye looked at Han Sen coldly.

"What? You lack skill, so you want to start brawling?" Han Sen laughed.

"Power and skill are never distinguishable as two separate things. Your knowledge and your ability to control the fluctuations of power is impressive, but can you apply that talent in actual combat? Mere talk is useless." Evil Eye said, his power continuing to burgeon.

"Then come and give it a try," Han Sen said.

"Ha, this is precisely how I wanted it." Evil Eye's body shot toward Han Sen like a purple shadow.