Under Overbearing

When Han Sen reached the control room, Mister White and Crime were already there.

Based on what their scanners were showing them, there was a giant beast somewhere in front of the ship. The creature looked something like a big sea turtle. It was, however, the size of a planet. It was almost as big as the Extreme King's ships.

Its giant body seemed to be made of white jade, and its legs moved and created swirls in space. It was flying through space, but it looked like it was swimming.

The strangest thing about it, though, was the turtle shell atop its back. The jade shell was as tall and imposing as a space fortress. But rather than being smooth and nearly featureless like a real sea turtle's, this shell had many castles and palaces atop it. It looked rather amazing.

All the ships entered battle mode, but since Ice Blue Knight King hadn't given the order, the ships held their fire. They were having a standoff with the giant turtle.