Blood Kirin’s Movement

Han Sen spent another two weeks in the White Bone Hell. The blood kirin came down from its mountain to absorb blood bone air every day, and during such times, Han Sen got to interact with it very closely.

The blood kirin had initially seemed like a cruel beast, but it wasn't showing any animosity toward Han Sen now, which made him curious. The most probable cause for the blood kirin's change in behavior, he figured, was the blood kirin having tasted his blood.

That had only transpired once, though. The blood kirin had consumed Han Sen's old blood as he leveled up, but he had no plans to feed the beast with his blood again.

The Blood-Pulse Sutra had become Duke, and Han Sen continued to fuse his blood with the Blood Scorpion Jade Drum. His connection with the Drum progressed by leaps and bounds. Now, he was able to use the Blood Scorpion Jade Drum without Bao'er's help. That made things quite a bit easier.