Sacred Blood Statue

Han Sen didn't speak. He focused on his Dongxuan Sutra, using its strength to guide the torrent of power that was surging through him. He tried to direct it toward his self-universe cogwheel.

Although Han Sen was proficient with the techniques of Yin Yang Blast and Yin Yang Change, Fox Queen was putting so much power into him that it was difficult for him to guide the vast quantity.

The nine-tailed silver fox marking covered Han Sen's body like the shadow of a demon. That weird perfume-like smell was growing stronger, and it almost felt as if it was becoming solid and tangible.

"It is futile! Your power as a Duke has a ceiling. No other Duke can match your strength, and not even first or second-tier Kings could hope to equal you. But compared to me, you are far too weak. Do you honestly believe you can use my power for your own gain? You must be joking." Fox Queen's voice whispered through Han Sen's head.