Core Xenogeneic

This was the first time Han Sen had seen a core xenogeneic. They looked like a group of insects, all of them with wings.

The bodies were humanoid. They had four limbs, but their heads were unusually small. They were one and a half meters tall, and their whole bodies were shelled in an aqua-blue material. Their shells were so smooth and glossy that Han Sen could see his reflection in them. A pair of blue transparent wings sprouted from each bug's back. When the bugs flew, their wings moved so fast that they turned into a blur.

They didn't appear to be too different from average xenogeneics. Their most outstanding feature was the fact that they were all King class. As far as Han Sen could tell, their high rank and the fact that everyone called them "core xenogeneics" was the only thing that made them unique.

Han Sen made a quick calculation. There were one hundred core xenogeneics ahead, and they were all King class. That amount was a rare sight.