Flowers Know the Sea

Miss Mirror hadn't thought Han Sen's mind was strong, and the unexpected depth of his consciousness struck her with confusion.

It was as if she had received a mystery gift, and she had no idea who had delivered it or what it contained. After opening that special parcel, she only found another mystery box inside. She opened it, layer by layer, but there never seemed to be an end.

It didn't matter if the gift deep inside the layers of the package was good or bad; opening a gift like this would make people angry.

Luckily, Miss Mirror was a very patient person, so she didn't look annoyed. She peeled open Han Sen's mind, layer by layer. But after doing this for a while, she still hadn't found what lay at its center.

Not even God had enough patience to keep searching endlessly like that. After Miss Mirror peeled away all those layers, her inability to find the center was too much. She didn't like feeling this way.