Fang Qing Yu

The pirates all stood in a line, still chilled and shivering. They stood meekly before Bao'er, listening attentively as she scolded them.

"From now on, you guys are the deckhands of the white whale. You'll be a cleaner... And you, a servant..." Bao'er gave them jobs, and the pirates all nodded as they were given assignments. They had been tamed, and none of them dared to refuse to do as they were told.

Their eyes sometimes wandered to the little red bird sitting atop Bao'er's shoulder, and the sight of it would send another involuntary shiver through them.

Ten minutes before, the little bird had burned a sixth-tier Destroyed King to nothing more than charcoal. There was too little of him left to even be considered cooked meat.

"Brother Fang, you should really leave now. Following me will only put you in more danger," Han Sen said to Fang Qing Yu.