Different Version

"The Shocking World Record of the Extreme King. In the beginning of the Extreme King, the sky and ground welcomed this race..." the woman said, reading the prologue in a smooth voice. She broke off, and a scornful chuckle rolled out of her throat. "Very presumptuous. He was just a slave of Sacred Leader, so how dare he say that?"

"It seems as if this woman is connected to the Sacred Leader somehow. It also looks like the Extreme King's alpha once belonged to Sacred, maybe as a low-level servant?" Han Sen thought in surprise.

The woman continued to read the Shocking World Record, and after a while, she started to look annoyed. "I thought this would be something special, but it's just a half-*ssed version of Sacred Leader's blood spirit body. And this guy has the nerve to call it a king body? Very funny."

Han Sen's eyes widened even further. "No way. The Extreme King's king bodies were invented by the Sacred Leader?"