A Sword That Requires a Life in Trade

Under the black tiger's area power, a three-meter-tall, egg-like object formed and trapped Han Sen.

Han Sen tried to deploy his Jadeskin and break the black area, but he noticed that the darkness encasing him was as solid as it was terrifying. He couldn't move at all.

"What is this area?" Han Sen felt strange, but he wasn't worried. The area seemed to consume the areas of others to empower its own, but it didn't actually deal any damage. All it seemed to do was trap him in the dark.

If Han Sen really wanted to leave, he could use his super god spirit body to flee from the darkness. No matter how solid that darkness was, it couldn't bind him permanently.

"What's wrong, Han Sen? Not so cocky now?" The Kings all laughed loudly in unison.

The dark area might have been solid, but it wasn't insulated against sound. Han Sen could hear what they were saying clearly.

"This area isn't bad. What is its name?" Han Sen asked.