The Name Heard Across the Universe

That fight was destined to become a legend in the geno universe. Before the day was out, the battle was being discussed across the universe.

It was amazing that Lando had defeated and tamed the Tianxia Unicorn, but Han Sen's actions had stolen the show. Han Sen had somehow turned Lando into a deified mid-fight.

Before that day, Han Sen was just a King of little fame. In the vast universe filled with strange and incredible powers, he wasn't very special. If he hadn't killed Bai Yi and ended up being chased by the Extreme King, many people wouldn't have known who he was.

Even if he was a fugitive, he was still just a King. Few people would have said that there was anything special about him.

But after this fight, he became known as the Leader of all Gods. On any other day, the fact that such a name was used to refer to a mere King would have been very strange.

Some wise guys even gave Han Sen the title Daddy of Gods.