Piece of Cloud

Han Sen and Lando searched in a circular pattern, but they had yet to find the white whale. Han Sen was sick with worry.

Right now, Han Sen wished he had practiced one of Mister White's skills. That way, he could calculate where Bao'er had gone. Even just a direction would do. Right now, anything was better than running around like a headless chicken.

While the Tianxia Unicorn soared through the clouds, they saw a person slowly start to appear. It was Meng Lie, a close relative of the Extreme King's ruler.

"Han Sen, we meet again."

Meng Lie had escaped while the woman of Two World Mountain stole his Extreme Purple Demon Dragon. Han Sen thought that the man had already departed the Tianxia System.

"You should go," Lando said to Han Sen as he stared grimly at Meng Lie.