Tianxia’s Seven Gods

The longer he fought, the more confused Meng Lie became. Even if an ordinary deified xenogeneic wasn't very smart, it would still know to retreat when it was losing a fight. It wouldn't just relentlessly continue to attack a more powerful opponent.

But that kirin wanted a fight to the death no matter what. It didn't care for its life, which made it surprisingly difficult to counter. But the thing that concerned Meng Lie the most was the idea that someone was orchestrating all this. If that mysterious person could control deified xenogeneics, Meng Lie didn't want to imagine how strong they might be.

"I have to take Han Sen back to the Extreme King, and I have to do it fast." Meng Lie made his mind up. A gold substance chain exploded in a blinding burst of light. It was like a golden god tearing through space. Cloud airs and deified blood sprayed everywhere.