The Use of The Story of Genes

Seeing Spell's self-cogwheel, Han Sen reached his hand out to touch her forehead. He activated The Story of Genes' self-cogwheel.


Two identical self-cogwheels were able to connect. They fit together perfectly.

As Han Sen's self-cogwheel started to move, Spell's self-cogwheel followed along with it. The two cogwheels accelerated together, becoming brighter and brighter with Spell.

But because of the teeth of the cogwheels, the two cogwheels spun in opposite directions. One of them went clockwise, and the other went counter-clockwise.

As they spun faster and faster, Spell shone with ever-increasing intensity. Han Sen and Spell's power was moving like crazy.

They both had the power of The Story of Genes. Han Sen soon detected that his power was different from Spell's power, but he couldn't discern exactly what made each one unique.