Depressed Ice Blue Knight King

Ice Blue Knight King was feeling very conflicted. He never thought that bringing Han Sen to the Extreme King would be the catalyst for so much trouble. If Ice Blue Knight King had a chance to do things over, he'd never have taken Han Sen away from Narrow Moon.

If he could go back, he wouldn't force Han Sen to join the Extreme King. In fact, even if Han Sen had begged Ice Blue Knight King and called him grandfather, he still wouldn't take Han Sen with him. He would slap Han Sen until he fell upon the ground, then order him to remain in Narrow Moon. Han Sen could stay there and bring harm to the Rebate, Ice Blue Knight King believed. Wherever Han Sen went, he brought trouble and turmoil with him.

But it was a shame there were no do-overs in the world. So, now, Ice Blue Knight King had a massive headache pounding against his temples.

"What happened to my brain back then, when I forced him out of there?" Ice Blue Knight King just wanted to slap himself in the face.